FidoNetĀ® Technical Standards

Standards and Proposals

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Usage counter since Feb 9, 1996:

Official FidoNet Technical Standards

fts-0001 (16)	  16k	A basic FidoNet(r) technical standard, R Bush
fts-0002		** Obsoleted by fts-0005
fts-0003		** Obsoleted by fts-0006
fts-0004 (01)	   7k	Echomail specification, B Hartman
fts-0005 (03)	   9k	The distribution nodelist,  B Baker, R Moore, D Nugent
fts-0006 (02)	  17k	YOOHOO and YOOHOO/2U2, V Perriello
fts-0007 (03)	  38k	SEAlink protocol extension, P Becker
fts-0008 (03)	  11k	Bark file-request protocol extension, P Becker
fts-0009 (01)	   1k	Message identification and reply linkage, j nutt

Standards Proposals And Commentaries

fsc-0001		** Obsoleted by fts-0001
fsc-0002		** Obsoleted by fts-0005
fsc-0003 (01)	  11k	FidoNet Route Files Explained, B Baker
fsc-0004 (01)	   2k	Zones and Zonegates explained primitively, R Bush
fsc-0005 (01)	   3k	Opus 1.01 Netmail passwording scheme, W Wagner
fsc-0006		** Obsoleted by fts-0006
fsc-0007 (02)	   5k	RFC-822-style msg header proposal, R Heller
fsc-0008		** Obsoleted by fsc-0015
fsc-0009 (01)	   3k	Nodelist Flag Draft Document Gwinn/Dodell
fsc-0010 (01)	   4k	Dutchie 2.80 SEAlink File Resynch, H Wevers
fsc-0011 (01)	   4k	Experiences/corrections to FSC-0001, B Hartman
fsc-0012		** Obsoleted by fts-0004
fsc-0013		** Obsoleted by fts-0008
fsc-0014 (01)	   6k	Binary-style msg proposal, W Wagner
fsc-0015 (01)	  17k	FOSSIL 5.0 Documentation, R Moore
fsc-0016 (01)	   2k	FidoNet Mail Session Startup, R Hartman
fsc-0017 (01)	   1k	Archive Philosophy and Document Naming, R Bush
fsc-0018		** Obsoleted by ftsclist
fsc-0019		** Obsoleted by fts-0007
fsc-0020 (01)	   3k	Alternate Nodelist Flag Proposal M Presnell
fsc-0021 (01)	   5k	VFOSSIL, OS/2 Video FOSSIL Appendage R Moore
fsc-0022		** Obsoleted by fsc-0090
fsc-0023 (01)	   2k	Bundle naming convention proposal R Meyer
fsc-0024 (01)	  10k	Binary bundle proposal, O McDonald
fsc-0025 (01)	   5k	AVATAR Video Spec, G Stanislav
fsc-0026		** Obsoleted by ftsclist
fsc-0027		** Obsoleted by fts-0005
fsc-0028 (01)	   9k	Proposed file-forwarding standard, H Lee
fsc-0029		** Reserved for future use
fsc-0030 (01)	   4k	Proposal for message identification, J Cowan
fsc-0031 (01)	   1k	Proposed message id/linkage standard, M Ratledge
fsc-0032 (01)	   1k	Proposed message quoting standard, M Ratledge
fsc-0033 (01)	   2k	Proposal for message identification, T Kover
fsc-0034 (02)	   6k	Gateways to and from FidoNet, R Bush
fsc-0035 (01)	   1k	Transparent gateways to/from FidoNet, M Shiels
fsc-0036 (01)	   4k	Group Mail specification, D Lovell
fsc-0037 (01)	   4k	AVATAR 0+ Video Spec, G Stanislav
fsc-0038 (01)	   2k	Proposed domain gating protocol, j nutt
fsc-0039 (04)	   6k	A type-2 packet extension proposal, M Howard
fsc-0040 (01)	   1k	Proposed modem handling extension, M Shiels
fsc-0041		** Obsoleted by fts-0009
fsc-0042 (01)	   3k	A modified gateway agreement, S Furber
fsc-0043 (02)	   2k	Some hints on recognizing control lines in FidoNet(r) message text, R Bush
fsc-0044 (02)	  11k	Improved duplicate detection, J Decker
fsc-0045 (01)	   1k	Proposed new packet header, T Henderson
fsc-0046 (05)	   4k	Proposed product identifier, J Homrighausen
fsc-0047 (01)	   4k	The ^ASPLIT kludge line, P Terry
fsc-0048 (02)	   6k	Proposed type-2 packet extension, J Vroonhof
fsc-0049 (01)	   2k	A proposal for passing domain information during FTS-0006 sessions, B Hartman
fsc-0050 (01)	   1k	A character set identifier for FidoNet message editors, T Sundblom
fsc-0051 (03)	   8k	A system-independent way of transferring special characters,  T Gradin
fsc-0052 (01)	   2k	A proposal for making the PATH zone aware, G van der Land
fsc-0053 (02)	   2k	Specifications for the ^aFLAGS field, J Homrighausen
fsc-0054 (04)	  13k	A system independant way of transferring special characters, Duncan McNutt
fsc-0055 (01)	   2k	Security passwords in nodelist updates, L Kolin
fsc-0056 (01)	  23k	EMSI/IEMSI Protocol Definition, J Homrighausen
fsc-0057 (03)	   6k	Echo Area Managers - Specifications For Requests, F Fabris, J Homrighausen
fsc-0058 (02)	   6k	A New Way Of Addressing In FidoNet, W Van Sebroeck, J Spooren
fsc-0059 (01)	  24k	Newsgroup Interchange within FidoNet, J Decker
fsc-0060 (01)	   3k	Calculation and Usage of CRC's, F van der Loos
fsc-0061 (01)	   4k	Proposed Guidelines for the FileBone, E VanRiper
fsc-0062 (03)	   6k	Proposal for a Nodelist Flag Indicating Online Times, D Thomas
fsc-0063 (01)	   4k	Proposal For FidoNet Messages, J Miller
fsc-0064 (07)	   4k	InterDomain Message ID, Gating, Linking and Addressing, J Penner
fsc-0065 (01)	  69k	Type 3 ASCII: A Proposal, M Kimes
fsc-0066 (02)	 128k	Type 3 Binary: A Proposal, M Kimes
fsc-0067 (01)	   3k	A Proposal For Sensible Kludge Lines, M Kimes
fsc-0068 (01)	   4k	A Proposed Replacement For FTS-0004, M. Kimes
fsc-0069 (01)	   6k	A FidoNet (FTN) Domain Name Service, R Heller F Arnaud
fsc-0070 (02)	   2k	Improving FidoNet/UseNet Gating and Dupe Checking,
fsc-0071 (01)	   4k	Distributed FREQ (DFREQ) Specifications, B Auclair
fsc-0072 (01)	  45k	The HYDRA file transfer protocol, J Homrighausen, A Lentz
fsc-0073 (01)	   2k	Encrypted message identification for FidoNet, John Mudge
fsc-0074 (01)	   5k	Proposed echomail specification, J Souvestre, D Troendle, B Davis, G Peace
fsc-0075 (01)	   3k	Proposal for ISDN capability flags in the nodelist, J Ceuleers
fsc-0076 (01)	   2k	Proposal for netmail areatags, S Gove
fsc-0077 (01)	   6k	Proposed type-10 packet format, J Steck
fsc-0078 (01)	   4k	Gateway between FidoNet compatible networks, C Lacerda
fsc-0079 (02)	 323k	RTF mail: proposal for message formatting in the type-2 message packet, K Axon
fsc-0080 (02)	   2k	Describing FidoNet with a layered model, Mikael Staldal
fsc-0081 (01)	  18k	A type-3 packet proposal, Mikael Staldal
fsc-0082 (01)	   6k	A proposed new packet type, S. Slabihoud
fsc-0083 (01)	  12k	A proposed standard for message IDs on FTN systems,
fsc-0084 (01)	  20k	EDX1: Electronic Data Exchange standard level 1, D.Bider
fsc-0085 (01)	   1k	Proposal for the "NOZIP" and "ERX" nodelist flags, D.Bider
fsc-0086 (01)	   2k	SRIF: Description of a new Standard Requestion Information File, M.Mucko
fsc-0087 (01)	   5k	File forwarding in FidoNet technology networks, R.Williamson
fsc-0088 (01)	   5k	Compatibility and Link Qualifier Extensions for EMSI sessions, R.Williamson
fsc-0089 (01)	   1k	The INTL: netmail addressing control line, R.Williamson
fsc-0090 (01)	   5k	FTSC Product Codes and Application Form
fsc-0091 (01)	   1k	Proposal for ISDN nodelist flags, A Lentz

Committee Administrative Documents

ftsclist (91)	   6k	Directory of all FTSC files
ftscprod (91)	   7k	FTSC Product Codes (see also fsc-0090)
ftsc-all (91)	1075k	Archive of all FTSC files as above

You may `mail order' any of the above documents in uuencoded format from our Mail Server. Enter "send fts-doc-name" in the subject or body of the message (multple requests allowed in a single mail item, and wildcards ARE supported). Please do not abuse this facility or it will be removed. BE CAREFUL, since this can result in a large mailing, which may not be what you want!
Last updated 3:32 pm (Aust EST) Sunday, 7 July, 1996
by David Nugent (

FidoNetĀ® is a trademark of Tom Jennings and Fido Software, Inc